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Please fill in the Contact Form after agreeing with the Privacy Policy.

  • KAMADA MUSUEM is committed to providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information. When using our service, please provide your personal information after understanding and agreeing with our Privacy Policy.

  • How and why we collect your Personal Information

    When we collect Personal Information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it. If you do not wish to provide your Personal Information, you will have a choice to do so.

  • How we use your Personal Information

    Your Personal Information shall be used only for specified purposes. We shall inform you in advance when used for other purposes. You can always refuse to provide your Personal Information.

  • How we disclose your personal information to the third parties

    The collected Personal Information shall not be disclosed, provided or lent to any of third parties, except for the following situations;
    ・When we have customer consent.
    ・When we need to consult the affiliated companies in order to answer customer inquiries.
    ・When we need to disclose your personal information to the affiliated companies with non-disclosure agreement, in order to accomplish the specified purpose.
    ・When we process your Personal Information into nonidentifiable statistic data.
    ・When we admit imminent danger to a person’s life or property.
    ・When we get compulsory demands by public institutions.